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Want to Vault in College? Here’s TAKEOFF Magazine's Advice on Getting a ‘Higher Education'

Want to pole vault in college. TAKEOFF Magazine has what you need to know for where you want to go.

This month’s TAKEOFF Magazine covers what it truly takes to make it onto a college runway in an article written by Pole Vault Carolina head coach Jose R. San Miguel, who has coached 31 athletes into their university of choice.

Here are a few nuggets:

'Sports is a vehicle to an education. You must fit into a school as a student before you play as an athlete.'

'College athletics is a business. A coach's decisions are not personal, they are practical.

'In the space between your coach’s direction and what you are actually doing lies your opportunity for improvement.'

'Don’t make emotional decisions about money. Someone will have to pay those student loans back, likely you.'

Read the article through this link, and best of luck with your collegiate endeavors!

Published monthly by Adele and Jose R. San Miguel, of Pole Vault Carolina, the mission of TAKEOFF Magazine is to inspire amateur athletes to personal greatness. TAKEOFF is the next iteration of our club’s mission: to coach the athlete to their highest self.